News From Jack
Honest Abe Convention in Nashville
August 2011
What’s New!
• New Catalogs
• Price Adjustment & New Pricing List
• Notes from Jack, 3
New Catalogs
Honest Abe Log and Timber Frame Homes has divided our catalog into two publications.
Product & Planning Guide
52 pages of photographs and How To information with illustrations including the material package contents for:
• Legacy Collection
• Genuine Select Collection
• Big Sky Series
Floor Plan Catalog
52 pages of floor plans and illustrations plus a glimpse of the Honest Abe Cottages in the works. It replaces the Sportsman Series of recreational cabins.
$10.00 is the cost of the new companion Catalogs. Both catalogs for $10.00 and that includes postage.
Price adjustment & New Price List
Usually, when a new price list is mentioned, rows and columns come to mind. Well, that is a part of what Honest Abe has done with this new “Price Adjustment.” Allow me to explain.
As you may know, Honest Abe Log and Timber Frame Homes offers two distinct types of material packages. The more common one is known as the Legacy Collection. The less commonly known version is called the Genuine Select Series.
The Legacy collection offers a complete dry-in or shell material package. Everything in the package is needed.
The Genuine Select Series offers a less robust material package for those who wish to purchase some of the items that are included in the Legacy Collection.
Look at it this way. If you purchase 150 different items in the material package of the Legacy Collection, there may be only 135 items in the material package of the Genuine Select Series. So, the Genuine Select packages cost less than the Legacy packages because it contains less “material.”
Interior doors are one such line item. Another item is the interior 1x5 baseboard, door and window trim. They are in the Legacy package but not in the Genuine Select package. There are a few other differences that are illustrated in the new Catalogs.
It is important to note that ALL of the items found in the Legacy Collection material package are necessary to complete the dry in of your log home. It is just that you may wish to purchase some of those necessary items yourself.
So what is the change?
Our new price list goes into effect September 1, 2011. It has ALL of our homes configured for the Legacy material package and the Genuine Select material packages. For example:
The Swiftwater. 1276 sf. One story. **
8x8 D Logs
$66,565 = Legacy Series material package
$54,053 = Genuine Select material package
** See Photo Gallery #64 at LogHomesByJack.com. It is the home shown at the top of this page.
To receive a copy of the new price list, send an email to Jack@LogHomesByJack.com. Please include your mailing address, zip code and telephone number.
To set up an appointment to meet with Jack personally, just telephone 800 767-4916, anytime.
To learn more about what is offered by LogHomesByJack.com, please refer to the front page of our web site.
Note from Jack 1: There is a new year end sales promotion in effect. It started September 1 and ends December 31, 2011. See the post here at News from Jack
Note from Jack 2: The Sportsman Cabin Collection has been discontinued. Orders can be shipped until the end of 2011. Check with your County Planning Department to see if they will allow our 4x6 D logs to be used in recreation cabins for rental units and overnight hunting camps. A replacement series is in the works but has not yet been announced. In the meantime, we can configure any of our cabins using 6x8D logs and economical truss roof systems.
Note from Jack 3: Tell us what you want. Ask away. Please do not keep us guessing and wondering. I am a former teacher and coach and tend to talk toooo much. So please, tell us your story.
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