Based at Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia
Showroom Location:
The Forum at Westlake on Rt 122
13699 Booker T Washington Highway, Suite 201
Moneta, Virginia 24121
800 767-4916 - Jack@LogHomesByJack.com
Open Tuesday thru Saturday and By Appointment
• Consulting on material packages
• Material Packages to your specifications
• Supplies for sale
• Contractor Network by Jack
Material packages for:
• Log Homes
• Timber Frame Homes – two distinctive styles
• RuStick stick built “log” homes
• Recreational Cabins – 12 designs to modify
• Garages. Additions. SIPs
• Stains. Repairs. Renovations
• Dry in or Shell and Turnkey
• Repairs. Renovations. Additions. Garages.
• Local. Regional. Nationwide.
Supplies for Sale
• Add shipping and sales tax on all items where applicable
• Prices subject to change without notice.
Bugs and other pests
Bug JuiceAdditive. Insecticide for outside and inside
$49.75 per bottle + shipping
Sales tax where applicable
Add to last coat of stain. Effective for 3-4 years.
Wash log walls annually to remove dust and organic matter.
Wash twice a year in more humid cliimates.
NBS 30 repellant
Additive to paint, stain, water
16 oz bottle treats 5 gallons
$47.00 per 16 oz bottle treats 5 gallons
Additive. Inhibits mold, mildew, algae
$19.25 per 7.5 oz bottle treats 5 gallons
Bee-Gone repellant
$39.95 per bottle + shipping
Sales tax where applicable
Spray on. Temporary fix.
Use when bees are present. Last 4-6 weeks.
$39.95 per bottle + shipping
Sales tax where applicable
Spray on. Temporary fix.
Use when bees are present. Last 4-6 weeks.
• Sansin Enviro Wood Stains
• CTA Outlast
• Permachink products
• Sashco products
X-180 wood rejuvenation
$135.00 per 5 gallon pail
5 gallon pail – mix with warm water
coverage is 1000 sf
Sansin Timber Tec chinking
$14.25 per 20 oz sausage.
Colors: White. Morter. Limestone. Natural.
Gray. Tamarack. Oxford. Colonial.
Takes stain. Use in any gap or band that shows.
Good stuff = May never need to replace or reapply it again.
Not for use between logs.
Sausage gun with nozzles for 28 oz sausages
$139.95 plus shipping and sales tax
10” Oly Log Screws
Box of 250
12” Oly Log Screws
Box of 250
15” Oly log Screws
Box of 250 [plus a few more loose screws ; )]
Gasket tape
1+ box of ½” tape rolls in stock
Douglas Fir, 8x8
$8.95 per linear foot
5 posts/beams of varying lengths in stock
SIPs = Structural Insulated Panels
For roofs and walls - EPS sandwich
Wall and Roof version - OSB on both sides
Roof version - OSB on outside - T&G on inside
Send a copy of your floor plans to develop a quote
Sansin Caulk
$97.99 per case of 12
Use as bonding agent between logs.
Will not take stain
Sashco LogBuilder
$75.00 per case of 12
Used as bonding agent between the logs
Builders also use it on the outside gap.
Sansin SDF exterior stain
70-80 colors
Sansin Classic exterior stain
70-80 colors
Sansin Classic+ exterior stain
70-80 colors
Sansin DEC for decks and docks
70-80 colors
Sansin Purity interior stain
70-80 colors
Sansin ENS for furniture and trim
in quarts, gallons 5 gallon pails
Can be used outside for a more shine
Sansin Nature’s Oil
Rub on product
For more information, contact:
Jack Hutslar, owner
P O Box 140
Huddleston, Virginia 24104
800 767-4916 • Jack@LogHomesByJack.com
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This information is brought to you by LogHomesByJack.com. Serving Virginia and the Southeast from Smith Mountain Lake and North Carolina from the Piedmont Triad. Offering a very good combination of price, quality of materials and service. When in doubt, give Jack a shout. 800 767-4916.
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